Team Hope


We’re running the 2020 Chicago Marathon!

We took this selfie right after officially committing to not only run 26.2 miles, but for also raising money for mental health awareness and the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention.

I’ve learned a lot about mental health over the past several years and it is something that has become very close to my heart. Julian suffers from Bipolar Depression. A mental illness that alters a person’s mood, bringing manic highs and very low lows. Learn more about Bipolar in this post. Over 50% of people with Bipolar struggle with suicidal thoughts and will attempt suicide in their lifetime.

I have always loved the quote, “Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” It is very true. Mental illness is rarely something you see on the outside. It is something people often battle deep within and alone. We’re running to raise awareness and advocate for those who have struggled or are currently struggling with anything they feel they can’t get through. You are not alone, there is always hope. I hope you will consider donating to the cause and helping us spread the word, it’s ok not to be ok.

Below are some graphics from the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention illustrating what your donation will go towards.

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