Why Chasing Norml?


No, you don’t need to put your glasses on, adjust your computer screens, or refresh the page.  “Norml” is how it is meant to be spelled and this is not a spelling error on our part.

The dictionary defines normal as “conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.”  Synonyms include orderly, traditional, and ordinary.  There is a large population, for better or worse, that sees normal as being positive.  There is nothing wrong with this point of view and I can’t argue against the benefits that are associated with this way of thinking.  However, whether the message is being delivered through social media or our home and work environment, many of us are taught and told to “act” or “be” normal.  But what about the other population who view their lives as not being normal?  I am a member of this other population.  For most of my life, it feels like I’ve been running after this thing society refers to as “normal.”   

We as individuals can claim independence from the dictionary and define what normal is for us.  This is not to say that when we write emails or research papers to not spell “normal” the correct way.  Rather, let’s start looking at the world through a different lens, a different way of thinking, a different mindset.  I’ve only just begun to break away from the old and trite belief that we need to act a certain way to feel accepted or fit in.

It’s human nature to want to obtain something.  This varies from person to person and every individual is chasing after something they feel will give them happiness or a sense of accomplishment.  There are those who want to climb the corporate ladder or own their own business, no matter how big or small.  Others have a desire to educate and help shape those who hunger for knowledge.  And there are many people who have the hope to one day start a family. 

The list goes on and on with one commonality between it all: a desire to connect.  Everyone craves a connection to a person, place, or thing.  Finding what fulfills us is a continuous journey that can be both scary and exciting.  We have the power to define our journey and there is no right or wrong way to travel.

Hence, Chasing Norml.

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